Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tears - A Divine Gift

By: Shazia Yousuf

I prayed. I prayed even harder as the days passed. Day and night I kept asking Him, pleading my case, beckoning Him to bestow His mercy and make things happen for me. I was sure what I was asking for, was what I definitely wanted. So I went on with my prayer, each night, each day.

Days passed, The Divine Being didn’t seem to pay heed to my humble requests. And then I started having doubts. Was I being too demanding? I wondered if I really deserved what I desired. Was I worthy of less or was I worthy of more, or did I deserve this or did I deserve that? I was now extremely confused.

Then finally one day after finishing my prayer, when I raised both hands, I did not ask. I only wept. I wept, for I knew not what I should ask. I had no words that could tell God how helpless I felt, not being able to tell what I actually wanted. My mind and my tongue were not on my side. So I chose my soul to speak for me, for a soul expresses what words cannot. The soul chose the language of tears. So I sat on the prayer rug, the soul now did the praying for me, and tears kept rolling down my cheeks...

And while I wept I got totally disconnected from the outside world, even from my own self, and I felt as if I was gradually retiring into a peaceful abode,  and while drowning deep within I found solace. And then it dawned upon me…

I realized, tears are a gift, hearts answer to Divine love, a means of submission, a way of expressing gratitude, of surrendering to The Divine Will to let Him guide in the direction of what is best, a gift that takes you close to the Lord. Once you are there, the path starts to show up, slowly and gradually right in front of you.

Pondering over the following quote by Ammachi:
"The state that we attain by calling and crying to God is equal to the bliss that the yogi experiences in samadhi.";
I believe one needs not spend ages trying to master sitting in the lotus position, or hold one’s breath in order to meditate. All you need is to remember Him with your heart and soul, and allow your soul to communicate. You may not be granted what you started out to pray for, but you will definitely be guided towards the path that is best for you.

This article seeks inspiration from the following video:


  1. Very true ! No doubt about it! Once you get connected to Him, path begins to appear, knots begin to detangle ,difficulties do not matter anymore and Namrood's fire loses its heat...What matters most is Love which in other words is God.

    1. You have beautifully expressed your thoughts.

  2. "You may not be granted what you started out to pray for, but you will definitely be guided towards the path that is best for you."

    To say that God gives us what is best for us is to imply that our desires are not legitimate. Perhaps God simply understands what we really desire and gives that to us. I am often blind to my real desire, and through misinterpretation pray for the wrong thing.

    1. We need to align ourselves with the Divine Being, through meditation in order that we may see the path destined for us. We our too tiny to be able to see the bigger picture actually.

  3. well said.

    Being human is not all being strong ,its being fragile,vulnerable and confused too.

    When we bow our head to Allah,that is our strength,it is all about who are you asking for help,who you strive to get connected and associate with.

    In my weakest movements I am strong as I pray to you,The All Mighty,The Most Merciful,The Lord of the universe.

    Allah Akbar.

  4. You have so beautifully related the human weakness of being vulnerable and confused to the inner strength to be able to admit those weaknesses and bow down in submission...this eventually gives so much strength!

  5. Through prayer to God and tears we find a release from all things desired. When we cry our soul out to God, we attain what the soul desires. Gods love, Gods peace, Gods comfort and even if we don't get what we actually desired for, we become calm and content with everything that already is ... It is beautiful, our link with The All Mighty.

    1. Yes Namal, tears in prayer opens doors of wisdom and enlightenment.

  6. While reading your words I started crying and found myself in connection with my Allah.Its really normal but in some cases you ought to let your soul free to talk to Lord and your tears free to strengthen this connection.Wonderful words!!!!

    1. Yes Sadaf, tears surely are a Divine Gift...Thnk you so much for appreciating :)
