Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year - Happy New You!

By: Shazia Yousuf

A new sunrise, a new dawn, a new beginning, a fresh start, a new year…
The Sun rises every day, and it sets with the hope of shining on a better world, better people when it rises again the next morning. Sets again but rises…yet again, each day… every single day, with new hope, same shimmer, not decreasing in strength nor losing even a single ray of glimmer.
Every second, every minute is new and fresh. Resolutions could be made each day, each hour, every minute. Change is good; it needs not a new year or a special day. Positive change needs a warm welcome with open arms, every single moment of our existence!
Each day we rise from our sleep, we are bestowed with a divine gift – the gift of life! Each day awaits in hope for something worthwhile. It could be just a small deed, maybe just a small kindness, comforting words of encouragement, or simply a pleasant smile that may mean a lot to someone in dire need. Small deeds may actually be huge.
“You are doing something very sacred here, something very daring, during your life upon the earth. You are defining yourself and then recreating yourself anew, in each golden moment of Now” (Neale Donald Walsch)
Live every moment like it’s new, breathe every breath like it’s the first fresh breath, live a life like you’ve never lived before. Be the lamp that glows, spreading the divine light (Nur) from within. Don’t wait…just be!
Welcome the new year with a new zeal.
Happy New Year – Happy New You!


  1. Well written!

  2. I love your article!
    Haooy new yrr

  3. "Each day awaits in hope for something worthwile".May all of us live a healthy,safe,happy and above all a meaningful life.Ameen.

  4. Happy new year from your number one fan!!

  5. Wow this is indeed well written
